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ISSN : 1229-6783(Print)
ISSN : 2288-1484(Online)
Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science Vol.15 No.2 pp.113-120

스마트폰 사용량과 근골격계질환 관련 자각증상과의 관련성에 관한 연구

엄 수 현*, 최 서 연**, 박 동 현*
*인하대학교 산업공학과, **인하대학교 대학원 의학과

An empirical study on relationship between symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders and amount of smartphone usage

Dong-Hyun Park*, Su-Hyun Eom*, Seo-Yeon Choi**
*Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Inha University
**Dept. of Social & Preventive Medicine, Inha University
Received April 20, 2013; Revision Received June 10, 2013; Accepted June 13, 2013.


 This study was conducted to investigate the characteristics of smartphone usage and posture of users duringusing smartphone. A survey was conducted for 983 smartphone users to understand the association betweensmartphone usage and including subjective symptoms associated with musculoskeletal disorders.
 Main results from the survey were as follows; 1) 18.8% of the subjects experienced musculoskeletalsymptoms at least at one of body parts. Specifically, 8.1%, 5.6%, 4.1%, and 11.3% of the subjects experiencedmusculoskeletal symptoms at neck, shoulder, elbow, and hand respectively, 2) The symptoms of musculoskeletaldisorders were also associated with amount of text message and time for daily usage of smartphone.Specifically, relative risks of musculoskeletal disorders at hand/wrist/fingers in terms of "amount of text message"and "time for daily usage" for experienced user were 1.425 and 1.368 respectively to inexperienced user.
 This study identified ‘amount of text message’ and ‘time for daily usage’ as the major risk factors ofsmartphone usage in terms of musculoskeletal symptoms. The results of the study provided a good basis inorder to remove or reduce the risks associated with musculoskeletal symptoms due to smartphone usage.


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